
🤖🖖 Hire an AI digital assistant, don’t worry automation can also increase employment and business!

I’m writing this as having frequently repeated the same conversations.

The most hilarious terminology I’ve heard so far is RPA (robotics process automation), it’s up there with ‘cloud’ and ‘big data’, the funny part is that there are no real robots in the equation 😂😂😂. It’s pretty much a new terminology repacked from what developers have been doing for decades, ‘software automation’. But hey, good on big firms for selling a new concept and charging through the roof for it. They are creating the awareness :-)

In my opinion, letting your fellow humans suffer the boring tasks of manual repetitive work is just criminal and in the future considered slavery! Wouldn’t it better to have that human out of the office and do volunteer work, talk to other humans or focus on other high-value tasks.

Great use cases of work that should be automated: data entry and migration, data cleaning, extracting data from PDFs, scanned documents and other formats, updating CRM, L1 help desk, L1 customer service, customer onboarding, periodic report preparation and dissemination, reconciliation, payroll management, application processing, etc.

On process automation, I can get a system set up, with user testing in a couple of days and start automating functions shortly after. Fully functional operational applications in just weeks. I can’t stand to watch a human do the same thing over and over again when it can be automated. It’s just institutional madness! 😳

We have been automating secretly for decades :-)

So here’s the rationale …

Saving money on labour through automation will more likely lower prices for products and services -> improve its market appeal -> increase demand leading to the need for more labour to increase production. Case-in-Point.. Amazon from 2014 to 2016 increased its warehouse robots from 1400 to 45,000, over the same period the rate of increase in workers maintained. The rationale here is that robots helped Amazon keep prices low, as a result, customers bought more stuff, and increased the need for more warehouse workers.

New jobs were created for skilled workers. So the only issue here is when humans refuse to up-skill to maintain their low-value work. It’s the industrial revolution all over again. Sorry, I can’t help the lazy but I will do all that I can to up-skill those who are willing and interested. Several years ago I helped up-skill an entire customer service team to be fraud analysts augmented with AI tools, so I do know it’s possible. Smarter humans are happier :-) or ignorance is bliss, it depends how you look at it… 🤔

Did you know we had a human in every lift with the job of lift operator until they invented the self-service lift button. What an awful job to give to a human. 😳

Intelligent organisations will blend it’s humans with AI capabilities to produce superior decisions & gain the competitive edge

Automation to your time is what compound interest is to your money!

Consider the cost to hire new human vs. employing AI capabilities…


  • $60,000 base level human
  • 9% payroll tax (because the government wants a share too in addition to Payee tax paid by your human from their salary) double-dipping? 🤔
  • 9.5% super contribution (to look after human when they retire)
  • Workers compensation insurance (to look after your human in case of injury)
  • Public liability insurance (to protect your company if you managed to hire a delinquent)
  • 4 weeks annual leave (and you will need another human to take their place when this human is on leave)
  • Public holidays
  • Sick leave
  • Lunch breaks
  • Coffee breaks
  • Smoke breaks (even though they should really quit!)
  • Inconsistent productivity depending on the mood
  • Need to scale up? Painful human recruitment process (and fees associated) + training time required
  • Hidden human errors … in some instances will provide surprises long after human leaves your company. Good luck with those wrong hires 🙄🤦‍♀️

AI digital assistant

  • Talk to your digital assistant like you would talk to a friend, colleague or gofer. No offense will be taken either!
  • 24/7
  • Does not need breaks
  • Does not need to retire
  • Will not look for another job
  • No complaining or mood swings
  • Unlimited capacity
  • Instant scale up using computational power and storage

The choice is pretty convincing….

If you can articulate it… we can automate it!

Examples of automation that we, including the Radmis digital assistants, can help with:

  • L1 customer service Digital AI assistant: just load all basic FAQs where your L1 digital assistant can communicate using natural language with your customers via email, webchat, sms, fb, Skype, Google home, Alexa, a robot .. and other messaging/communications channels
  • L1 helpdesk Digital AI assistant: talk to your digital assistant with automated ticketing, escalates to human, triggers events, tasks or notifications, connect to your database.
  • Our platform can clean unstructured data, parses from emails, databases, sensors, social media sites, messaging platform, voice interactions etc. utilises both policy-based rules as well as AI-based algorithms
  • Train your Radmis AI assistant in natural language and voice-enabled training like teaching a 2 year old child! Give it personality, make it smart, all on your design. We’ve made it so simple, you don’t need any technical skills! :-)
  • Talk to your systems: we bring systems to life, connecting to devices, IoT, technology systems so you can interact with it using your voice.
  • Talk to your database: we connect to your database (view only required), and using natural language you can talk to your data. Pretty cool feature!
  • Build website in 5 mins using just your voice. I love doing this demo, it’s a real game-changer and I’m entertained by the reactions 😂
  • Radmis AI leverages from over 100 applications built on the Radmis platform. Robust, scalable, secure! Continually investing in R&D, we’ve now added the ability for humans to use natural language so you can speak to your platform & even get it to do things…

Get in touch!

  • We have specialists in Digital Transformation, AI and automation.
  • We are experts in rescuing and salvaging digital projects, also getting innovation projects started and delivered in weeks! We love automating risk management.
  • We have a great network of partners that could help with your innovation or automation cost-saving needs leveraging the Radmis AI platform.

Follow me at www.justaskpenny.com 🖖



👩🏻‍💻 JustaskPenny 🖖
👩🏻‍💻 JustaskPenny 🖖

Written by 👩🏻‍💻 JustaskPenny 🖖

🚩 Tech Diplomat | Futurist | Technologist | Entrepreneur | Humanist | 🤖 AI 📡🛰 Telco 💸 Payments 🛡 Cybersecurity ⛓ Web3 🌍🧬🕊 www.justaskpenny.com #CISO

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