Freedom through trade relations
A positive outcome from the pandemic is that it gave rise to new ways of doing business, connecting through global networks, innovating the future of trade, money & society 🖖💸
Technology enables us to mobilize the planet’s resources and bring together human ingenuity to fight this and future crises. The value of trade and globalization in fighting this and future crises needs further promotion and support.
Despite some governments not getting along, externally as well as internally, it doesnt always mean people don’t get along. It’s actually on the contrary so its paramount to rise above the bickering & continue to build strength through global & domestic trade relations because it’s the strongest way we can encourage our governments to get along or at least tolerate each other. It’s called economic and commercial diplomacy :)
Today, with 140 member states, the WTO oversees four international trade agreements: the GATT, the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), and agreements on trade-related intellectual property rights and trade-related investment (TRIPS and TRIMS, respectively).
Through history the rise of civilizations were formed and bound through commerce. Commerce allowed people to create wealth independently of their rulers, which in turn allowed them to question the political relationship between ruler and subject.
“Commerce . . . softens and polishes the manners of men. It unites them, by one of the strongest of all ties, the desire of supplying their mutual wants.” Scottish historian William Robertson (1721 — 1793)
People were brought together in the pursuit of commerce market economy and an educated “bourgeoisie” class of people was created, with a unique position of the bourgeoisie was responsibility for the continuing moral, social, and economic advances of civilization.
History of Money
The rise and fall of empires can be correlated to their respective currencies.
Entire civilizations have been based on the borrowing and lending of money to facilitate trade and commerce. Money incentivizes productivity, innovation and creativity.
Banks financed the renaissance, bond markets decided wars, stockmarkets built empires, and monetary meltdowns built revolutions.
Currency vs. Money
It is a store of value and the value increase as the money amount increases. Currency is a medium of exchange for goods and services and through which money becomes live. Money is entirely numerical and intangible, whereas Currency is tangible it’s the promissory note or coin which is presented in the form of money.
When citizens lose faith in a given currency, it becomes the catalyst that plunges once prosperous nations into chaos and civil unrest.
The rise of new digital currencies and innovative decentralised systems will enable greater freedom to trade across the globe in contemporary society.
If you can walk away learning one thing for life… it’s the ability to look beyond what you see on the surface and draw out the true agendas. When there’s a struggle for change, always think about who has the most to lose and who has the most to gain… 🧐
— — — — If we were to create a game concept that incorporates the global pandemic into the theme of international trade, it may look like this — - 🌏🦠😷👾
Title: Global Trade: Level Pandemic
Objective: Players take on the role of a world leader, tasked with navigating their country through the global pandemic while also managing their country’s international trade relations.
Gameplay: Players must manage their country’s resources, including healthcare and essential supplies, to effectively respond to the spread of the pandemic within their own borders.
Players must also negotiate with other countries to secure the essential supplies and medical equipment needed to combat the pandemic, while also balancing the need for open trade to maintain their own economy.
Players can collaborate with other countries to develop effective vaccine distribution and treatment plans, sharing information and resources to help combat the pandemic on a global scale.
Players must also manage their country’s economy, making decisions about investment, trade, and taxes, to ensure the stability and resilience of their country in the face of the pandemic.
The game includes elements of strategy, diplomacy, and risk management, as players must balance the competing demands of responding to the pandemic and maintaining their country’s economic stability and global competitiveness.
Point System: Players earn points for successfully managing their country’s response to the pandemic, maintaining open trade and economic stability, and collaborating effectively with other countries. Points are lost for mismanaging resources, failing to effectively respond to the pandemic, or causing harm to other countries through uncooperative or aggressive actions.
♟️This game concept provides a unique take on the challenges of international trade and cooperation, incorporating the current global pandemic as a central theme and incorporating elements of strategy, diplomacy, and risk management.
Plot twist: Citizens enter the game and start trading PPE equipment not using fiat currency … 👀🤣🚩